At Mihaus our business has been crafted and our reputation earned around one solid conviction. That Mihaus kitchens are at the heart of our clients homes…
Some of our clients kitchens may be big, some might be small; some used late at night after a long day’s work whilst others might be full of family from dawn until dark. Others might be ultra modern, full of the latest technology and labour saving gadgets whilst some may be more traditional, tested through time and full of memories.
Each and every Mihaus Kitchen shares something in common. Our kitchens are designed so our clients enter with anticipation and nearly always leave with satisfaction. Kitchens mean more than just the food we prepare in them, they reflect who we are more than any other space in the home and if we enter them with anticipation and leave with a sense of satisfaction, that surely means that somewhere in between must be something else; a sense of simple pleasure…
That pleasure comes from cooking the food we love. It doesn’t matter if that means a short wait for the sound of a microwave ping, or those special family meals that your children will go on to emulate as they grow to have kitchens of their own. Cooking is cathartic; creating food is just as good for us as enjoying it.
At the moment your kitchen might be even more than the hub of your home, with so many of us working from home right now, the kitchen might become a place of quiet, to gather your thoughts or to share with and teach your children one of the most important skills there is…
It might also be a space filled with creativity as we make the most of what we have or a quiet corner of the home to call the people we care about, yet cannot see right now. They might also be places where we can relieve our frustrations and anxieties as we finally find time to clean them to a shine and make sure our drawers and cupboards are just the way we want them. If you are lucky yours might overlook your garden!
The kitchen has always been the hub around which the wheels of our home life turn and that is true today more than ever. The shape or size isn’t important and the fixtures, fittings and appliances can all be changed when the time is right.
What are far more important are the people who use it, the people we love and rely upon and who love and rely on us in return. These are the people who make the wheel of our home life turn
– And if the kitchen is indeed the hub of that wheel that makes it more important than ever…